Strathmore University is applying outcome based education in teaching engineering courses
Outcome-Based Education is an educational approach that focuses on achieving specific outcomes or competencies in students by the end of their learning experience. It emphasizes:
OBE is widely adopted in engineering, medical, and management education to ensure graduates possess the necessary skills to meet industry and societal needs.
The Washington Accord
The Washington Accord is an international agreement among accrediting bodies of undergraduate engineering programs. It ensures mutual recognition of engineering degrees and promotes a shared understanding of quality engineering education. Key features include:
Member Countries: The Washington Accord, established in 1989, includes countries like the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia, South Africa, Japan, and others. Membership ensures alignment with global engineering education standards.
OBE and the Washington Accord Connection
BSc Electrical Engineering Outcome-Based Education Programme Education Outcomes (PEOs)
Programme Outcomes (POs)